SOAR Support

Long Beach State SOAR

Available To

  • Incoming and current undergraduate students of CSULB
  • Families and Supporters of incoming and current undergraduate students CSULB
  • This is not for prospective students. All prospective student questions should be addressed to University Outreach.

Service Overview

This form should be used to complete the following actions:

  • Answer questions related to the mandatory campus orientation process (SOAR) at CSULB including dates, fees, and sign-up process
  • Resolve issues with your SOAR workshops date including changing your workshop date, rescheduling a missed workshop, and mandatory attendance
  • Answer questions related to the Parent Family Program, as well as Parent Family Orientation

Inquiries not related to these topics will be referred to the appropriate departments on campus.

If you have questions related to advising and registration, those are best directed to your academic department or college.

If your question is about your admissions or enrollment, please reach out to enrollment services for assistance with admissions, student records, financial aid and more.

Before you submit your request, please note the following:

  • Please ensure all fields are entered correctly
  • Students should always use their student email (BeachMail) as their email address
  • You will be asked for your 9-digit student ID number. This is located at the bottom of all university communications. See photo from your SOAR email below:

Login to MyCSULB Student Center

Service Details

For FAQs, SOAR dates and additional information visit the SOAR website.