Available To
Campus technical staff of colleges and departments
Service Overview
The Division of IT (DoIT) provides virtual server hosting services for campus colleges and departments supporting business and academic related communications, computing, and data applications and wish to operate their equipment in a secure, climate controlled, centrally manged data center.
Service Details
Servers are backed up, both locally and off sight, regularly patched and monitored, and are protected by the data center firewall. Virtual server hosting relationships are captured in a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which outlines roles & responsibilities, commitments, and other terms. In all agreements, DoIT provides hosting and administration services from maintenance of the server environment to the Operating System (OS). It is the responsibility of the customer to install and manage all applications loaded to the server, including procurement and maintenance of the applications. Services rendered for all agreements are reimbursed as a charge-back on an annual basis (unless specified otherwise).
More Information
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Terms and Conditions
Virtual Server Hosting Service Offering
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Research Computing