Personal Website and File Transfer (FTP) Service

Available To

Students requiring this for course assignments

Service Overview

Personal website or web space services are available for students that require this for course assignments, such as for courses involving HTML coding.

FTP is a standard Internet protocol used to transfer files, programs, and other data between a client computer and a server on a computer network.  A CSULB FTP / Personal Web Space provides 25mb of space on CSULB's servers. 

Service Details

This service may involve one or more of the following standards and use-cases and a referral for one of the following:

Tilde (~) Accounts

New personal website / FTP Services are currently only provided to students for coursework.  

To add content to your personal website you must first create HTML files on your computer. Once you have created the files you must upload them to CSULB's FTP server. 

Naming Conventions

Once you upload the files you can access your personal website which is based on your actual campus email address, such as (for students) or (for employees).  Alternatively, you can also access your personal website based on your campus ID (  Note:  Accounts created prior to 6/19/17 will maintain the legacy naming convention of (example:

Data Retention

Academic policy for making up an incomplete grade is one year. However, an instructor can shorten that deadline when they submit the Incomplete doc (online). The instructor can also request an extension beyond the year, but that would be when the year is approaching, not during initial submission.

Alternative Options

Storage Only

Users may be advised to use campus-provided OneDrive or SharePoint services if the use-case only warrants file storage.

Canvas Learning Management System

If faculty only require posting specific course information, then Canvas is recommended for viewing by campus-only members.

Campus Website

College webmasters may provide faculty and staff users with a template for a campus webpage using the Drupal content management system.  A profile page template such as the following may be provided and can be hosted with one's respective college website (sample: Nat Hansuvadha | California State University Long Beach).