Campus Computing Account

Available To

Students and Employees

Service Overview

Each authorized CSULB student and employee has a CSULB computing account, which consists of your email address and your password.  Access to specific campus systems is based on your role within the University.  Campus accounts are generated automatically when new affiliations are created, such as when students are first matriculated and when employees are hired.

Service Details

Password Manager

The Password Manager service is a web-based tool you’ll use to manage your account, such as unlocking your account and resetting your password.

Password Requirements

Your password is case-sensitive and must:

  • Be 10-16 characters in length
  • Contain three of the following four character types:
    • Uppercase letters (A through Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a through z)
    • Numbers (0 through 9)
    • Special characters (` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /)

Additionally, your password must not:

  • Contain spaces
  • Include any part of your full name
  • Contain non-English characters
  • Match any of your previous passwords
  • Your password will be locked after 5 unsuccessful attempts, which will require you to visit to reestablish a new password

Password Age and History Policy

These password policy age and history criteria affect all Active Directory users effective Friday, May 1, 2015.
The purpose of this password policy is to improve campus password security.

  • Password history for all users is set to 24 passwords before the original password can be reused. 
  • Minimum password age for users currently under a fine-grained password policy (i.e. Staff and Faculty) set to 15 minutes. 
  • Minimum password age for users under the default domain policy is 24 hours. This currently includes Students, SAs, admins, service accounts, and other manually created domain accounts.

As an example, these settings would allow staff and faculty to change their password 15 minutes after it is reset but would require 24 password changes over a period of a minimum of 6 hours before AD would allow their original password to be reused. Likewise, students and other accounts would require 24 password changes over a period of a minimum of 24 days before they would be allowed to reuse their original password.

NOTE:  If you have configured your mobile device(s), such as smartphones, iPads, etc., to receive campus email or to connect to campus wireless networks, update your password on these device(s) with your new password in order for them to continue receiving your campus email and to automatically connect to campus wireless networks.


Common Tasks

Change or Unlock Your Password

If you have forgotten your password, or wish to change it, go to the Password Manager service.