Popular Services

This is part of CSULB's ongoing commitment to provide access to information resources and technologies to individuals with disabilities. The Chancellor's Office policy requires the campus to purchase Electronic and Information Technology (E&IT) products that meet Section 508 Accessibility requirements.

*PLEASE NOTE: PCRs may take 10 days or more to process, so please plan accordingly.

F1, I-20, and home country document signature for current degree-seeking students, ALI students, and alumni.

Enrollment Services - Transfer Credit Evaluation

Telephone service and equipment provided for employees and departments.

Support team for the following areas: Athletics, Division of Admin and Finance (DAF), Division of Information Technology (DoIT), Division of Student Affairs (DSA), Enrollment Services (ES), Equity and Diversity, President's Office, Staff HR, University Ombuds, University Relations and Development (URD), University Library.

Request this service to contact the Technology Help Desk.
You may also reach us by phone at (562) 985-4959, email at helpdesk@csulb.edu, or in person at the Horn Center lobby.
Hours during the fall and spring semesters are Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM and Friday 8:00AM - 5:00 PM.
Basic support and escalation in case of emergencies is available outside these hours by email and phone.

Enrollment Services - Current Student Records

Remote networking services, Virtual Private Network (VPN), is a campus system allowing individuals to securely access internal networks and computers over the Internet, using encrypted tunnels to ensure that data cannot be accessed without authorization.

Campus-issued student email account.

Using your campus email address and password, Single Sign-On is a service which allows a single location for accessing multiple campus applications and services upon successfully logging in at http://sso.csulb.edu. Access to applications and services will vary depending on your campus role, such as if you're a student, faculty member, or staff member with specific job-related roles.

Under the direction of the Division of Administration and Finance, DoIT assists campus departments with acquiring and coordinating campus approved, University-owned devices and monthly service.

Enterprise-wide parking and enforcement hardware, software and systems that provide an effective parking environment for students, employees and visitors to CSULB.

Used by Academic Support/Enrollment Services to schedule rooms and facilities for classes.

Functional support related to PeopleSoft Student Financials module provided by Financial Management

Multiple web teams across campus provide web services, such as web design, web maintenance, application development and accessibility reviews for web pages and documents.

Meant for areas that need additional ways, including MiCC and ACD, to answer calls or for departments that process large volumes of telephone calls for customer support, reservations, order desks, and other similar operations.