- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, and Cloud Apps
- Email Services
- Outlook Online
This article provides instructions for flagging e-mail addresses as 'Safe Senders' and 'Recipients'.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, and Cloud Apps
- Email Services
This article provides instructions for creating an out of office message via your CSULB provided mailbox.
- Knowledge Base
- Email, Calendaring, and Cloud Apps
- Email Services
This article provides instructions for adding CSULB provided E-mail accounts to the mobile Microsoft Outlook application available via respective application stores.
- Knowledge Base
- Computing and Collaboration Services
This article provides overview instructions for web printing to campus supported computer labs, which include Horn Center, Library Spidell Center, CBA 243, Beachside College and College of Engineering.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching, Learning, and Research Technologies
This article provides text and video instruction for accessing the CSU Training portal.