Conference Rooms - Frequently Asked Questions



When should I use the campus calendar for scheduling meetings?

The campus calendar is to be used by faculty, staff, and auxiliary employees to reserve and schedule any meetings requiring a campus conference room.


Can I opt out of using the campus calendar for scheduling meetings?

Not if a campus conference room will be used for the meeting. Faculty, staff, and auxiliary employees will need to use the calendar for reserving conference rooms or meeting spaces needed for campus meetings.

The email calendaring system displays free and busy times for others on campus and thus provides a much easier experience when trying to find open times to meet and collaborate with campus colleagues.


Can I still I use Doodle to schedule campus meetings?

Doodle is not as effective as the campus email / calendar for scheduling campus meetings.  Doodle does not have the ability to view or schedule available campus rooms on our campus. Therefore, faculty, staff, and auxiliary employees need to use the calendar for reserving conference rooms or meeting spaces needed for campus meetings.


How do I know if a conference room is available when I need it?

Use the “scheduling assistant” when sending a meeting invitation to see “free” and “busy” time for conference rooms as well as attendees.


Can I use my new CSULB employee calendar for both professional and personal meetings?

Faculty, staff, and auxiliary employees are provided a campus calendar along with a campus email accounts to conduct university business and for official university communication. Campus email accounts and calendars can be used for incidental personal usage. Please note that email accounts are subject to public records disclosures and subpoena as dictated by local, state, and federal laws. For more information see Section III, Acceptable Use of CSULB Electronic Communications Systems and Services policy.

Does the email system comply with accessible technology requirements?

Yes. Microsoft is actively committed to Section 508 regulation compliance. Calendar settings can be adjusted on supported clients and web browsers to allow for accessible usage by faculty, staff, and students with low vision and to support CSU Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) requirements. For Microsoft VPATs (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template), go to Section 508 VPATs for Microsoft products


Can departments have shared calendars?

Yes.  Shared and resource calendars can be requested and utilized by departments to manage department resources such as conference rooms and to enable groups of employees to share a calendar. For assistance in creating a shared calendar, please contact your Campus Technical Coordinator or the Technology Help Desk at extension 54959 or at


Who has access to my calendar (who can read my calendar) besides me?

Electronic communication such as meeting invitations sent over email are university records. As such they may be subject to disclosure in accordance with state and federal laws. Campus Executive approval is required prior to disclosure.



Article ID: 96212
Tue 1/21/20 6:40 PM
Fri 5/14/21 11:56 AM

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