CSULB Office 365 systems utilize modern authentication for enhanced security of your University resources. The most recent versions of Office have built-in support of modern authentication while older clients will continue to authenticate with Office 365 using existing protocols. Enabling modern authentication for Exchange Online and Skype Online is beneficial in that it introduces Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL)-based logins to Office apps and likewise allows for the future implementation of features such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), SAML-based third-party Identity Providers with Office client applications, and smart card and certificate-based authentication.
User Impact
No action is required on the part of end users or local technical support as the result of modern authentication being enabled in Office 365. However, after the option is enabled, users who had previously opted to have their credentials stored by their Outlook or Skype for Business client may be prompted to re-authenticate, and users may notice a slight change in the appearance of the login form presented. For reference, the screenshots below show the traditional (i.e. pre-modern authentication) login prompt versus what the new login prompt will look like. Just as before, users should enter their username in the form of 9-digit campus ID along with their password, when prompted.
Pre-Modern Authentication Login Prompt

Login Prompt example with Modern Authentication Enabled