Mathworks MATLAB Installation for Existing Users: Windows PC



Review the System Requirements for Matlab before beginning installation. Administrative permission is required to install the software on your computer.

NOTE:  These instructions are for installation using the Chrome browser.  Some minor variations in the steps may occur when using other browsers.

Visit CSULB MathWorks to download the software.

  1. Click 'Sign in to get started.'  Log in with your CSULB credentials and sign in to your Mathworks account.
    View of dialog box stating sign in to get started. View of CSULB single sign on login box view of dialog box to sign in with email address or user ID and password
  2. Click the Matlab version link you prefer.  If you're unsure, choose the most current version.  (At the time of this documentation, the R2018b version is the most current.  You may see an image
    on your computer screen different from the one provided.

    View of Matlab version button
  3.  Click the Windows button to download the installer.  Select your preferred file storage location. 

    view of buttons to select operating system
  4. Find the downloaded file in your computer; double-click on the file to unzip it and run the installer.
    view of file folder system view of winZip extractor to unzip files
  5. Select 'Log in with a Mathworks account.' Click 'Next.'

    view of installation method dialog box using Mathworks account or File Installation Key if you have no internet connection.
  6. Click ‘Yes’ to accept the terms of the license agreement.  Click 'Next.'

    View of screen showing license agreement
  7. Log in to your Mathworks account.  Click ‘Next.’

    view of screen asking for Mathworks email address and password
  8. Click on the license number and then ‘Next’.

    view of screen showing list of license numbers.
  9. Click 'Next' to accept the default folder location. Select 'Browse' to change the location.

    View of screen requesting installation folder location.
  10. Click ‘Next’ to install the pre-selected recommended products (add more products by checking the boxes next to the product name.)  Products can be added later if needed.

    View of list of Mathworks products
  11. Select your installation options.

    view of screen asking for your desired installation options-- on the desktop or in the start menu.

  12. Select 'Install' and wait for the download to complete

    view of screen confirming the product to install

  13. Select 'Next.'
    view of screen telling you there are additional products if you want them

  14. Leave the 'Activate MATLAB' box checked.  Click 'Next.' This process validates the license and ensures that is not used on more computers or by more users than allowed. 

    view of screen for activating Matlab after installation

  15. Select 'Next."

    view of another activation screen

  16. Click 'Confirm.'

    View of dialog box showing information about what will be activated for whom

  17. Click 'Finish."

    View of screen showing that activation is complete

Congratulations!  You have successfully installed Matlab. 

Review the resources for students on the Mathworks website for training, projects, and research to get the most from the software.



Article ID: 71186
Wed 1/30/19 5:20 PM
Thu 2/11/21 6:49 PM