Steps to Access Minitab
- Navigate to the URL:
- Sign up for a Minitab account if you do not already have an account. If you only need the software, sign and skip to step 7.

- Fill out your account information. Be sure to use your campus email address to create the account or you will not be licensed.
- You will receive an activation email. Click the activation link to complete setup.
- Sign in to with your newly created account. (You may be already signed in after you complete setup).
- In your Minitab Licensing Portal, click Minitab Statistical Software under My Products.

- Press Download Desktop App to download Minitab. Alternatively, you do have access to the Web version of Minitab.

- Double‐click the downloaded executable to run the installation. Proceed with the on‐screen instructions.
- Ensure the activation method “Activate with a license” and licensing method “Sign In” are selected.
- After installation, you can now launch Minitab from your Windows system. Minitab will ask you to sign in to verify your license.

Note: If you are unable to activate, please reach out to Software Depot or create a support ticket