How To Access and License Minitab


Instructions on how to gain access to Minitab and licenses


Steps to Access Minitab

  1. Navigate to the URL:
  2. Sign up for a Minitab account if you do not already have an account. If you only need the software, sign and skip to step 7.

image of Minitab logon portal

  1. Fill out your account information. Be sure to use your campus email address to create the account or you will not be licensed.
  2. You will receive an activation email. Click the activation link to complete setup.
  3. Sign in to with your newly created account. (You may be already signed in after you complete setup).
  4. In your Minitab Licensing Portal, click Minitab Statistical Software under My Products.

Image of product selection area once signed in to Minitab

  1. Press Download Desktop App to download Minitab. Alternatively, you do have access to the Web version of Minitab.

Image containing Download links for Minitab

  1. Double‐click the downloaded executable to run the installation. Proceed with the on‐screen instructions.
  2. Ensure the activation method “Activate with a license” and licensing method “Sign In” are selected.
  3. After installation, you can now launch Minitab from your Windows system. Minitab will ask you to sign in to verify your license.

Image of Minitab with Campus SSO prompt

Note:  If you are unable to activate, please reach out to Software Depot or create a support ticket 



Article ID: 144003
Tue 1/31/23 11:25 AM
Mon 1/13/25 6:25 PM



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