Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Account Safety Tips



Your CSULB two-factor authentication requirement provides an extra layer of security in addition to your password.  This helps protect your account from becoming compromised by verifying you are the only one authenticating into your account.  These reminders and recommended tips will further improve the safety of your account.

Reminders and Tips for Account Safety

MFA Methods - Authenticator App is Best

Your options include SMS, phone calls, and downloading the free Microsoft Authenticator App.  The Authenticator app is the preferred default method for its every day convenience and additional security features.  Refer to Comparison of MFA Methods: Authenticator App vs. SMS vs. Phone for more details and advantages of the Authenticator app.

Learn how to manage and change your default MFA login methods.

Second-Factor Requests

Only accept second factor requests if you initiate them. If you receive a request without initiating it, do not accept. 

Setup More Than One MFA Method

Establishing more than one multi-factor authentication method to ensure you maintain access to campus services is highly recommended. This helps in such cases as when you lose or change your phone or tablet. Learn how to setup additional MFA methods. If you ever experience this problem, please contact or 562-985-4959 for assistance.

Consider Using Passwordless Login with Location Verification

These additional MFA enhancements became available to CSULB users on October 24, 2022.




Article ID: 142147
Mon 9/26/22 6:16 PM
Mon 1/13/25 1:47 PM

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