Wi-Fi for iPadOS



  1. Connect your iPad to the WiFi network beachnet-guest-access. iPad wi-fi settings
  2. Tap on “Cancel” to close this window as it will not continue to work, and tap “Use Without Internet”. wi-fi network window  
  3. Open Safari and tap the Address Bar in order to enter example.com then tap “Go”. example.com in address bar 
  4. Select the “Student/Staff/Faculty” yellow pill/button. welcome to CSULB wi-fi page 
  5. Tap on “Sign In”. sign in option for wi-fi service
  6. Present your CSULB SSO credentials and confirm your MFA or enter the PIN. CSULB single sign on pageenter password for single sign onapprove authentication for single sign on
  7. Tap “JoinNow” and “Allow” to download the eduroam profile to your iPad. join now option for wi-fi servicewindow asking to allow configurationwindow saying profile downloaded
  8. Tap “Go to Settings” to launch your Settings to install the profile. "Go to Settings" option
  9. Tap on “Profile Downloaded” in order to Install the profile. iPad wi-fi settingsinstall profile for wi-fi window 
  10. Confirm “Install” of the eduroam profile and tap “Done” to finish. window asking to install profileenrolling certificate windowprofile installed windowconfiguration profile in wi-fi settings
  11. Remove the beachnet-guest-access and/or beachnet+ networks by tapping the blue "i" information symbol and select Forget This Network. iPad wi-fi settings 


For assistance with connecting to Wi-Fi, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (562) 985-4959, or at helpdesk@csulb.edu, or by submitting a ticket.



Article ID: 140553
Tue 7/19/22 12:30 PM
Fri 7/7/23 6:58 PM

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