Wi-Fi for Android



  1. Connect your Android smartphone or tablet to the WiFi network beachnet-guest-access.wi-fi settings  
  2. Open Chrome and type example.com into the Address Bar and press enter. example.com in address bar
  3. Select the “Student/Staff/Faculty” yellow pill. welcome to CSULB wi-fi page 
  4. Tap on “Download”. red box highlighting download button   
  5. Install the SecureW2 JoinNow application. red highlighted box around install button
  6. Once installed, tap “Open”. red highlighted box around open button
  7. Tap on “Next” to move on. launching page
  8. Present your CSULB SSO credentials and confirm your MFA or enter the PIN. CSULB single sign on pagepassword for single sign on 
  9. Tap “Continue” to begin certificate enrollment.  red highlighted box around continue button
  10. (Note: If at this point you experience trouble with JoinNow by not being taken to Step 11 below, you can use the following instructions to manually configure your Android device for eduroam. And, we would really like to hear from you! Please provide feedback to this article if you would like to be contacted to troubleshoot the issues in detail.  Otherwise, please proceed to Step 11.) 
  11. Tap “Next”. asking to save wi-fi network to phone 
  12. Permit the installation of the eduroam profile to your device by tapping “Save”. red highlighted box around save button 
  13. Tap “Go to WiFi Settings” to confirm connection to eduroam. device now configured page 
  14. eduroam shown as “connected”. wi-fi settings
  15. Remove beachnet-guest-access and/or beachnet+ by tapping the “saved” network and clicking “Forget”. wi-fi settingsred highlighted box around "forget" button


For assistance with connecting to Wi-Fi, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (562) 985-4959, or at helpdesk@csulb.edu, or by submitting a ticket.



Article ID: 140552
Tue 7/19/22 12:08 PM
Fri 7/7/23 6:58 PM

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