Microsoft Authenticator App - Requesting a Code


What issue does this address?

If you’re not getting the notifications of a push to your Microsoft Authenticator app when you’re trying to access a Microsoft service such as Email or OneDrive, you can go to your Microsoft Authenticator app and request a code to enter onto your computer so that you can provide that second factor. 


  1. Go to the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone or tablet. Microsoft Authenticator app icon
  2. Tap the icon for the Microsoft Authenticator and you’ll see this screen where you can tap your CSULB account: Authenticator app displaying one's user account that must be selected to proceed
  3. You’ll see the One-time passcode that you can enter on your computer to provide your second factor security.Authenticator app showing a one-time passcode
  4. Go to to login in to Single Sign-On with your campus email address and password.  
  5. You’ll then get a screen where you click the “sign in another way” option. Approve Sign in request screen
  6. Select the option to "Use verification code from the mobile app."  Verify your identity screen
  7. You will be able to enter the code from your Microsoft Authenticator app. Click Verify. screen to enter code


If this doesn’t help, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 562-985-4959 for assistance with resetting your MFA and re-registering your device.



Article ID: 130975
Thu 3/25/21 1:14 PM
Mon 1/13/25 2:17 PM