Remote Desktop Connection to Your Office Computer (PC version on Windows 10)



Remote Desktop allows you to connect to your office computer from home or another remote location.

Requirements Before Installation

  1. Remote desktop will need to be enabled on your university workstation.  Your account will need to be added to the “remote desktop users” group or local admin group.  (As of 3/17/20, this setting is enabled for all CSULB employees.)

  2. You'll need to know your office computer's device name.  See How to Find Your Computer's Name.

  3. If you are off campus, GlobalProtect VPN will need to be connected before proceeding.  If you do not have GlobalProtect VPN installed, please visit:

Requirements for Using Remote Desktop After Installation

  1. Your university workstation, which you are remoting into, must remain on and not in sleep mode.  It should be kept in Lock or similar mode.
  2. You must be connected to GlobalProtect VPN before attempting to use Remote Desktop.


  1. Click the Windows logo button, All Programs, Windows Accessories and Remote Desktop Connection from the start menu. List of Windows programs showing Windows Accessories and Remote Desktop Connection
  2. You'll then need to type in the name of your office computer and click “connect”. Remote Desktop Connection window where you enter the computer name
  3. Select “more choices” and “use a different account” Windows dialogue box for entering your credentials
  4. For the username, enter your full CSULB email address and your BeachID password.  Click Ok to proceed.

Once you connect, you'll see that the remote connection takes over your screen. If you want to go back to using the computer you're connecting from, click on the minimize button in the toolbar across the top of the screen. When you're done, log out of your office computer as usual. 

Important: Be sure not to shut down your on campus computer while remoting or you will need to visit the campus to power it back on.



Article ID: 101780
Tue 3/17/20 3:04 PM
Wed 3/18/20 7:21 PM