Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) Named License Conversion


Adobe Acrobat licensing will change on Windows desktop computers at designated dates for employee users.  After this time, if a Windows user launches Adobe Acrobat (PDF file reader), it may prompt the user to sign in, which is safe to do.  This article outlines what that process will look like.


  1. Open any Adobe CC Application. For example, Adobe Acrobat DC. Adobe Acrobat DC desktop icon
  2. Click “Sign In Now” Sign in required message
  3. Enter work email address as (student assistants will use format). Click the password field. initial Adobe sign in page
  4. You will be redirected. Wait for a few seconds.  You will choose an account for Enterprise ID. 
  5. At the campus Single Sign-On page, enter your 9 Digit CSULB employee ID (student assistants use 000000000SA format) with Campus ID password (Same as computer login password). Then click “Sign In” CSULB single sign-on page for Adobe
  6. Click “Continue” to complete the sign in process.  Adobe thank you confirmation page


Adobe CC named license only works on a maximum of two devices simultaneously per user.

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