Be advised, some legitimate E-mails from individuals or entire organizations are flagged as spam and placed into the 'Junk' folder. To prevent that from happening, you will need to add the sender's address or company domain into the 'Safe Senders' list. To do so, please follow the steps below:
- Log into your SSO portal via
- Select the Outlook chiclet
- Once logged in, click on the Settings gear icon on the top right corner of the page
- A drop-down menu will appear and at the bottom of the page click on 'Mail'
- On the menu that appears on the left, about midway down the page, click the 'Block or Allow' option
- In the field under Safe Senders and Recipients, type the email address or domain you would like to mark as safe
- Click on the plus sign to the right of the box to add the email address or domain to the list
- Lastly, click Save at the top of the screen
If you're using the New Outlook on the Web
- Log into your SSO portal via
- Select the Outlook chiclet
- Once logged in, click on the Settings gear icon on the top right corner of the page
- Search for 'Mail'
- Click on 'Safe senders and domains'
- Click '+ Add' then type an email or domain you would like to add to the list and press Enter on your keyboard
- Click Save on the top right
Note: Simply moving an E-Mail message out from the 'Junk' folder into the 'Inbox' folder will automatically place the address into the "Safe sender and domains" list.
To review instructions for this process via Microsoft Outlook desktop application, click the following link:
Video Instructions
For video navigation support and instructions, watch the video below: