Library 5th Floor Collaborative Stations

The Library 5th floor offers nine group-study carrels and six mediascapes, each with a collaborative station equipped with the following connectivity features:

  • 55” TV display (1x)
  • HDMI (2x)
  • Mini Display Port (Thunderbolt compatible) (2X)
  • VGA (2x)

Additionally, the nine group-study carrels offer writable walls using dry-erase markers. Markers are not provided by the University Library. There is no designated time limit or reservation required to utilize these collaborative stations. These are first come, first serve.

Library 5th Floor Floor Layout



















Study Carrel

Group Carrel layout with display and portion of writable wall













Mediascape with display












How To Use Collaborative Displays

To mirror your computer onto the collaborative display, follow the instructions below:

  • Connect one of the available adapters into a supported display port compatible with your device.
  • Designate selected adapter as output display. A blue-light around the ring of adapter cable will indicate your display is mirroring onto the collaborative T.V.
  • Collaborative T.V. will automatically power-on, detect and switch to the appropriate input channel.

If connecting your device does not mirror onto collaborative T.V., review troubleshooting steps below.

Collaborative Display Troubleshooting

If you are experiencing difficulty displaying your computer to a collaborative station, follow these troubleshooting suggestions:

Diagnosis: Solution:
The display is off (red light indicator) or no light indicator present While powered off, connect your laptop to display port and power on – if already powered on and connecting does not project onto the display, restart the computer while remaining connected to display port.
The display is on (green light indicator), but not receiving computer output Select the chosen adapter for output display port - blue light ring must be on.
Display and adapter are powered on (green & blue light), but no output on the display Restart your device while connected to adapter cable – the display will auto-detect signal on the re-start
Display and adapter cable are powered on and device re-start did not resolve the issue, or neither is powered on/waking up after restarting the computer Submit service request ticket. See below.
