2.1 Accessing Telecom Billing Reports through CS Link


Telecom provides monthly billing reports summarizing charges by department, charge type, extension and Account.  These reports are distributed via CS Link to recipients as specified by the departments.

Requesting CS Link Access

To request telecom reports, visit the Telecom Billing Reports service page and select the Request Service button.  Once the request is received and processed, report access will take effect beginning with the following month’s bill.

Please note: each department/area can be assigned only one report recipient.  If you request access to a specified department, you may be replacing the current recipient’s access.

Logging in and Viewing Reports

Around the 12th of each month, DoIT Service Management will send an email notification to all report recipients stating that reports are ready to be viewed in CS Link.  To view reports, go to Single Sign-On at sso.csulb.edu and log in using your BeachID and password.  Click on the CS Link chiclet and then click the “View Reports” link.  Locate the report you wish to view and click the link in the Format column.  To delete reports, click the “Delete” link in the Action column.

CS Link View Reports screen

Accessing Archived Reports

Reports will remain in the View Reports screen for 60 days after being run or until deleted by the recipient, whichever comes first.  After reports have been deleted from the View Reports screen, they can still be accessed using the Archived Reports utility.  To access archived reports, click the “Online Query” link in the header and then click “ARCHRPTS - Retrieve Archived Reports.”  Enter the report ID and date range for the reports you wish to view and click the Submit button.

CS Link Online Query link to showing where to access "Retrieve Archived Reports"

CS Link "Retrieve Archived Reports" screen showing how to input parameters

List of Available Reports

  • Communication Summaries (PDF) – All charges summarized by charge type for each division, college/area, main department, department, and account
  • User Expense Summaries (PDF and CSV) - All charges summarized by charge type for each department and account, and broken down by extension
  • Detail Statement (PDF) – Call detail for all local, toll and mobile calls made from each extension or mobile number
  • User Expense Totals (CSV) – Charge totals broken down by extension (Auxiliary only)
  • Cost Center Owner Update (PDF) – Lists all telecom report recipients for each department, college, etc.


For general inquiries or to request reports in an alternative format, visit the Telecom Billing Reports service page to Request Service or contact Telecommunications at x54480 or ITS-Telecom@csulb.edu.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Monthly and annual billing reports summarizing charges by department, charge type, and account. NOTE: Beginning fiscal year 2023/24, speedchart changes are only necessary for monthly mobile carrier services and grants or e-programs.