CSLink Telecom Monthly Expense Report & File Descriptions

  1. Communication Summary Reports are geared to managers at an executive level or in a fiscal capacity.
    • These reports are sorted at the division, college/area, main department, department ID, and fund levels.
    • These reports will be distributed electronically via CSLink on a monthly basis to "cost center owners" which includes managers or staff members responsible for monitoring expense.
    • These report names used to end in 001 through 005, but now end 01 through 05.
    • The RSUM05 also contains work order charges and the separate work order report has been discontinued.
  2. User Expense Summary Report provides greater detail than the communication summary reports.
    • Contains the following charge types: equipment, line access, mobile, work order, local calls, toll calls, and personal reimbursement. Sorted by DeptID and Fund, and then by last name.
    • Contains monetary amounts without quantities (eg: call durations).
    • Contains line access credit to match feed to General Ledger.
  3. User Expense Summary File provides expense summary data in comma-separated values (CSV) format.
    • Data is the same as the corresponding management report (LBTLRUES01).
    • Dept ID and Tree Node (cost centers) are on every line to facilitate electronic distribution.
    • Contains the following charge types: equipment, line access, mobile, work order, local calls, toll calls, and personal reimbursement for import into Excel or Access for year to date trending or other specific processes.
    • Contains monetary amounts without quantities (eg: call durations).
    • Reflects general fund line access credit when it is applicable.
  4. User Detail Statement itemizes outbound calls from campus telephone system with a charge of $.01 or more.
    • LBTLRUDS01 detail report published to CSLink contains all extensions assigned to chart fields.
    • LBTLRDUS02 detail report distributed through mail only for telecom records containing a campus ID.
    • Does not include recurring monthly charges, work order charges, or mobile service charges.
    • Reflects any personal reimbursement made (per SAM rules).
    • Does not reflect extension to extension or inbound calls.
    • Reflects all calls from a mobile telephone owned by the University.
  5. Annual Directory & Database Update Report distributed twice during the fall semester
    • Listings of all published and non-published numbers on and off-campus.
    • Posted to CSLink in early September and mid-November for retrieval and updating.
    • Maintains accuracy of directory lookup, extensions in Outlook, and other databases such as 911 system.
    • Contains no cost information, but can help to understand where charges may be incurred.
    • Can be edited in Adobe Acrobat Pro and emailed back to Telecommunications.
  6. Cost Center Owner Update (Only for reporting - not for approving expenditures)
    • Posted to CSLink on the 20th of the month for retrieval and updating.
    • "Owners" may be responsible for expenses at the Dept ID level or for a tree node such as main department, college/area, or division.
    • Any Cost Center Owner may request a change and it will be accepted as long as it was copied to the appropriate ASM.
    • Changes can only be made in advance of a billing cycle and must be received by the 28th of each month.
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