Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a cryptographic algorithm, it allows Internet protocols to agree on a shared key and negotiate a secure connection. It has been reported that this protocol is not strong enough to prevent compromise on the web.
Singularity is a legacy program, in order to continue using this product we need to go around the problem.
Install the "Disable DHE" plug-in below to work around the problem and fix this error.
Note: This procedure will disable weak Ciphers used by Firefox.
"Secure Connection Failed" error when launching Singularity web page within Firefox or clicking on the View Docs link within PeopleSoft.
- Launch Firefox
- Click on the menu button on the right top of the web browser.
- Then select the "Add-ons" icon as in the image below.
- On the next screen:
- Click "Plugins" on the left side menu.
- Then type "Disable DHE" in the search field as in the image below.
- Install the Plugin
- On the next screen you will see "Disable DHE 0.1.2".
- Click on the "Install" button next to it.