Personal Web Page & FTP Accounts

About New FTP Accounts

  • Allow up to one hour for your new account to take effect.
  • Access FTP accounts using your 9-digit campus ID and your password. 
  • Standard accounts are allotted 25 mb of space.
  • Use an SFTP-compatible FTP client software for this service. There are several free SFTP clients available for Windows and Mac operating systems with a simple Internet search.
  • The naming convention of new accounts follow:
      • Example:
      • Example:
    • Accounts created prior to 6/19/17 will maintain the same naming convention of
      • Example:
  • Accounts expire upon separation from CSULB.

CSULB Computer Policy Overview

Use of this CSULB Internet account and all of your campus computing activity must be in accordance with the Policy Governing Access to and use of CSULB Computing Resources. The policy is available online at Use of your account shall constitute acceptance of University policy.
The right of access to University computing resources is analogous to, and in many ways an extension of, the right of access to the University library and other instructional facilities. Access to these resources is granted to an individual by California State University, Long Beach solely for the grantee's own use.
All users, in turn, are expected to exercise common sense and decency (due regard for the rights of others) with respect to the public computing resources, thereby reflecting the spirit of community and intellectual inquiry at the University. Access is a right that may be limited or revoked if an individual misuses the right or violates applicable University policies or state or federal laws.
All users are highly encouraged to read the Policy before any other activity. Any violation or attempt to violate these principles constitutes misuse. Violations may include but are not limited to:

  • User access is granted to an individual and may not be transferred to or shared with another without explicit written authorization by the appropriate system administrator or designee.
  • User access to computing resources is contingent upon prudent and responsible use.
  • You may not use computing resources for any illegal or proscribed act.
  • You may not use computing resources for any commercial purpose without prior written authorization from the appropriate Vice President.

Computing resources must be shared among users in an equitable manner. The user may not participate in any behavior that unreasonable interferes with the fair use of computing resources by another.

Special Note about Updating Your Campus Password

If you have configured your mobile device(s), such as laptops, smartphones, iPads, to connect to campus wireless networks or synchronize to campus email, you must update your password on these device(s) whenever you change your password in order to maintain connectivity. If you do not do so, you may unintentionally lock your account as your devices try to connect to campus resources with your former password.

Support Information

Request an FTP Account


Your instructor should provide you with proper instruction for accessing your FTP account to conduct your classroom assignments. You can find basic information about using FTP accounts at the support link above. You can contact the Technology Help Desk for general questions or to report technical issues at or (562) 985-4959.

Faculty and Staff

You can find basic information about using FTP accounts at the support link above. You can contact the Technology Help Desk for general questions or to report technical issues at or (562) 985-4959.

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FTP is a standard Internet protocol used to transfer files, programs, and other data between a client computer and a server on a computer network. A CSULB FTP / Personal Web Space provides 25mb of space on CSULB's servers.