Scheduling Meetings in Outlook 2010


You can send a meeting request to one or more people. When creating a meeting request, you can add attachments, set a location, and use the Scheduling Assistant to choose the best time for your meetings.


To schedule a meeting with other Exchange users based on their availability, click “New Meeting” on the Home tab of the Calendar, or New Items > Meeting on the Home tab in any other folder.

New meeting button

New Items, New Meeting Menu

  1. The Meeting Request window should appear.

    new appointment window
  2. Fill in the meeting attendees, the subject of the meeting, the location (if desired), the start and end time, and date for the meeting

    to, subject and location fields of appointment window
  3. If you would like to reserve a room, click the "Rooms" button.

    all room window
  4. When the room has been located in the list, double click it and click OK.
  5. Click the “Scheduling Assistant” button on the ribbon to view the availability of attendees and the room in one view. You can click and drag an area on the grid to set a time for the meeting:

    scheduling assistant
  6. You can also click the “Requirement” column to choose whether specific attendees will be required, optional, or just a resource (such as a room):

    required attendee option button

To toggle back to the appointment view, click “Appointment” in the Show group of the Meeting tab. Click "Send" to send meeting invite.