Adding Student Assistant ( Email in Outlook

In Outlook, click on File, then Add Account

Add account in Outlook > Enter the account name, email address, password, confirm password

On the Add Account Screen, enter your name, email address, and password information

Add Account Screen where users enter username, email address, and password information

Outlook will then automatically locate account information and connect to mail server

Outlook locating account information screen

Click on OK and restart outlook to start using your added account

Microsoft Message stating user must restart Outlook screen

Credential Manager

If the user logs in to the campus-domain with an account other than the new – (mailto:– account, Outlook will prompt for password each login. To avoid logging in to Outlook each use, do the following:

Go to Windows Credential Manager
Control Panel – > User Accounts – > Credential Manager. Click on Add a Windows credential

Windows Credential Manager

For Internet or Network Address, enter
User name = ( email address
Password = email password

Windows Credential Manager - Add a Windows Credential