How to Add Trusted Sites in IE, Chrome, and Firefox

Versions will vary slightly, but these are general instructions for the three major browsers supported on campus.

Internet Explorer

  1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options.

    Internet Explorer Tools Menu
  2. Click the Security tab, then in the Select a zone to view or change security settings box, click Trusted Sites, and then click Sites.

    Internet Explorer Internet Options and Security Setting
  3. If you want to add sites that do not require an encrypted channel, click to clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.
  4. In the Add this Web site to the zone box, type the URL of a site that you trust, and then click Add.
  5. Repeat these steps for each site that you want to add to the zone.
  6. Click OK two times to accept the changes and return to Internet Explorer.


  1. Click the 3 dots icon on the far right of the Address bar then click on Settings.

    Chrome Gears Menu
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click on the Advanced drop link.
  3. Under Systems, click on Open Proxy Settings.

    Chrome System options within Settings
  1. Click the Security tab, and in the Select a zone to view or change security settings box, click Trusted Sites, and then click Site

    Chrome Internet Properties and Security Settings
  2. If you want to add sites that do not require an encrypted channel, click to clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box.
  3. Enter the URL of your Trusted Site, then click Add.
  4. Click Close then click OK until you return to Google Chrome.


For Firefox, there are several different areas to add a trusted site (referred to as "Exceptions"), depending on what functionalities you want to allow the site to do or prevent the site from doing.

  1. From the Firefox menu, Click on Menu (icon with three lines on the right side) then cick Options .
  2. Under the Privacy & Security tab, scroll down to Permissions.
  3. You can choose to add Exceptions to:
    • Block pop-up windows - click Exceptions... and add URLs for the sites where you want to allow pop-ups
    • Warn me when sites try to install add-on – click Exceptions… and add URLs for sites you can override this warning for certain sites

      Firefox Privacy and Security Settings and Permissions
  4. Under Privacy & Security Tab, scroll down to Cookies and Site Data. Make sure Accept cookies from site data from websites is checked if you want to allow cookies from most sites, and then click on Exceptions to enter URLs to prevent cookies from specific sites.

    Firefox Privacy and Security Settings and Cookies/Site Data