Teams Call Queues are created with an accompanying Voicemail Group in Outlook named as the phone number of the call queue (i.e., Voicemail Group name = 562-985-4480). Call Queue voicemails are routed to this Outlook group, which can be accessed by the designated members. Note that in most cases, the voicemail group members are the same members as the call queue members, but members of each can differ due to operational needs. Access changes to call queues and/or voicemail groups can be requested by submitting a ticket.
Creating Sub-Folders
If a call queue voicemail group has multiple members of the group that may access the voicemail messages, the action of one member is not readily visible to other members of the voicemail group. There's no way to tag or label the voicemails to show other group members you are dealing with it. If you read the voicemail - it still shows as unread for others as they haven't read it.
Possible Solutions
Create a sub-folder system
This solution is best managed in Outlook on the Web or the New Outlook desktop client, whereby all group members need to be using Outlook on the Web or the New Outlook desktop client. This is known to not work if using Classic Outlook.
This solution involves creating a new sub-folder under the inbox, for example calling it "Completed," and as team members address the voicemails, they drag and drop them into the Completed folder. Multiple sub-folders can be created as needed. This solution actively syncs the voicemail group inbox and subfolders.

Manually forward voicemails
If users are managing voicemails using the Classic Outlook and cannot use Outlook on the Web for the first solution above, another option may be to manually forward the voicemails to a shared department mailbox, where they can be filed away with a folder structure in the shared mailbox.
Creating a Forwarding Rule
Some departments may already have existing shared mailboxes that a team monitors and regularly manages. It may be preferred to manage a department's call queue voicemails using an existing shared mailbox instead of having to actively manage a new, separate Outlook Group.
This can be achieved by creating an inbox rule to forward incoming voicemail messages to a desired mailbox. Essentially, this sends a copy of the voicemail to your designated mailbox while the original voicemails will still remain in the voicemail group inbox. Note that these instructions were created in the New Outlook, which will be similar to Outlook on the Web (aka the version available within your SSO MyApps by selecting the Outlook app).
- Select your Voicemail Group (named as your call queue phone number).
- Select the settings cog wheel to the top-right of the screen.

- From the Group Settings options, select Rules.

- From the Rules options, select "+ Add new rule".

- From the Add new rule screen, create your new rule:
a. Give your rule a name, such as "Forward to [name your mailbox]"
b. Add a condition by selecting "Subject includes" and typing in the subject line of the voicemail messages. All call queue voicemail messages will have the subject line of "Shared Voicemail (name of call queue)" where the name of your call queue is within the paranthesis.
c. Add an action by selecting "Forward to" and type in the mailbox name you wish to receive the voicemail messages.
d. Select "Stop processing more rules". More rules can be created, but be careful that your rules do not conflict.
e. Be sure to "save" your new rule. 
- After creating the rule, it is recommended that you test the rule by having someone call your call queue and letting it go to voicemail. After leaving a test voicemail message, it should be delivered to the associated voicemail group inbox within a minute or two. Then after another short delay, the same voicemail message should be delivered to the mailbox designated in the new inbox rule created.