Microsoft Bookings - Adding Team Members

Tags Bookings

Add a new Team Member to Bookings 

  1. Get to the Bookings Homepage 
    1. Go to campus SSO – 
    2. Select the “Microsoft 365 Portal” tile 
    3. Select the Waffle icon (9-dot icon in the top-left corner) 
    4. Select Bookings (may be under “More apps” if never used before) 
  2. Select the Bookings page 
  3. Select the “Staff” menu in the left-side Menu 
  4. Select “Add new staff” 
  5. Enter the email of the person to be added 
    1. DO NOT select any users shown yet or they will not add correctly 
  6. Select “Search Directory” 
  7. Select the intended user from those shown 
  8. Adjust profile, role, and availability as needed 
  9. Select “Save changes” 
  10. The added user will receive an email invitation

Accepting a Bookings Invitation 

Method 1 – Accept email invite 

  1. Open the email invitation and select “Accept” 
    1. Note: as of 09/23/24, using the Accept link in the email invitation often results in an error. Microsoft is aware and is working on a fix. There is no time estimation for remediation.  
    2. If you receive an error, try Method 2 or ask the Bookings owner to remove and re-add you.

Method 2 – Manual accept or decline of invite

  1. Get to the Bookings Homepage 
    1. Go to campus SSO – 
    2. Select the “Microsoft 365 Portal” tile 
    3. Select the Waffle icon (9-dot icon in the top-left corner) 
    4. Select Bookings (may be under “More apps” if never used before) 
  2. On the card for the desired Bookings page, select the ellipsis (3-dots) 
    1. Note: The card can take several hours to show up after a page owner adds a user 
    2. Searching for the page can sometimes make it appear in the homepage: 
      1. Select “Search” 
      2. Enter the page title and select it 
      3. Make any settings changes necessary 
      4. Select “Back to all bookings pages” to return to the homepage 
  3. Select ‘Manage membership” 
  4. Select “Accept Bookings” 
    1. Note: This is the only place to accept or decline invitation to make yourself “Bookable”  
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