Teams Call Queues are created and paired with a separate Voicemail Group as the delivery mechanism for receiving voicemail messages for the Call Queue. All voicemails are programmed to include an audio file and text transcripts. Voicemail Groups typically have the same members and owners as the associated Call Queue. The voicemail group owners have access to edit the members of the voicemail group within Outlook.
If you need new voicemail group "owners" to be added, please submit a Telephone Service ticket.
Voicemail Group Owners Can Add Members as Described Below.
- Locate your Call Queue's Voicemail Group which is located in a Groups section under your folders. Voicemail Groups are named after your Call Queue phone number.
- After selecting your Voicemail Group phone number, access the Group Settings option on the top ribbon of the Home options.
- Select "Add Members" to add new members, such as other employees or Student Assistants you wish to have access to the Call Queue voicemails within Outlook.