Student Laptop Loan Setup Instructions

Student Setup

  1. Turn on laptop.  (Please note you may receive the “Welcome to CSULB” page. If so, please continue to step 6.)
  2. Select region: United States Region selection screen
  3. Select keyboard layout List of keyboard layout regions
  4. Add a second keyboard layout or skip Option asking to add a second keyboard layout
  5. Connect to a wireless network. If you’re on campus, select “Eduroam”, enter your CSULB email address and password. If you’re off campus, please connect to an available wireless network. Connect to Wireless network screen
  6. Once connected to the internet, the laptop will restart and present “Welcome to CSULB!” page. Enter your email address and click Next Welcome to CSULB screen
  7. Enter your CSULB password and click 'Next'.
  8. You’ll receive an MFA prompt to validate your identity.
  9. The laptop will go through “setting up your device..”. Once the “continue anyway” button appears in the lower right corner, please proceed.