Wi-Fi for MacOS


  1. Connect your MacBook to the WiFi network beachnet-guest-access. 
    1. If your Mac automatically opens a pop-up window, please Cancel it, open Safari instead, and proceed to step 2.  The pop-up browser sometimes does not permit links to work correctly.
  2. Open Safari and type example.com into the Address Bar at the top, press enter. example.com in search bar
  3. Select the “Student/Staff/Faculty” yellow pill. welcome to CSULB wi-fi page
  4. Click on “JoinNow” to begin. asking to join now for wi-fi service 
  5. Permit the download by clicking “Allow”. asking permission to download application 
  6. Open the download by clicking on the Downloads button then the dmg file. downloading application screen 
  7. Launch the SecureW2 application by clicking on the name. wi-fi now available in downloads  
  8. Click “Open” to allow the application to run. allow application to run screen
  9. Click “Next” within the SecureW2 application. highlighted next button for launching 
  10. Permit the JoinNow application access to Safari by clicking “OK”. highlighted "Ok" button for application to run
  11. Present your CSULB SSO credentials and confirm your MFA or enter the PIN. CSULB sign sign on page password entered for single sign onscreen for approving authenticator
  12. Allow the SecureW2 application to make changes to your computer by entering your computer’s password and clicking “OK”. macOS password window
  13. Click “Next” to begin certificate enrollment. highlighted "next" button for joining wi-fi
  14. Install your new device certificate by clicking “Install”. asking to install new device certificate
  15. Accept the new certificate profile by clicking “Install”. asking to install profile for wi-fi 
  16. Enter your computer’s password in order to add the certificate profile and also to update your keychain. Then select 'Always Allow' to complete the process. macOS password screenred box highlighting always allow option
  17. The process is completed. Click Done. authentication complete screenjoining wi-fi screen  


For assistance with connecting to Wi-Fi, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (562) 985-4959, or at helpdesk@csulb.edu, or by submitting a ticket.

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