If you are a Virtual Phone (MiCollab) or Call Center Agent (MiCC) customer, you can follow these instructions to configure MyE911. CSU Long Beach uses MyE911 to help Virtual Phone and MiCC (Agent) provide a location to the national 911 service so that public safety dispatchers can locate someone.
The use of MyE911 is mandated for federal compliance. If MyE911 is not installed when using Virtual Phone or Agent, access may be restricted.
If you are a Virtual Phone or Agent customer with a campus-provided Windows PC, MyE911 will already be installed. A short setup procedure is needed to activate it.
- When you login, you should see the Device Registration window shown here. Enter your campus email and click Send.
- If you do not see the Device Registration prompt, browse your Start Menu to find MyE911 4 either as a Recently Added program or under the RedSky Technologies folder.

- Click MyE911 4 to start it, enter your campus email, and click Send.
- The Device Registration window will change and ask you to enter a verification code that has been emailed to you.

- Check your email for a message from verification@e911cloud.com with the subject “MyE911 Security Code”.
- Enter the security code found in the email into the Device Registration window.
- Congrats!!! You have successfully installed MyE911.

Setting up Location
Now you will need to set your location. There are two main scenarios:
- If you are on campus, and your laptop is connected wireless-ly, or your Department Technical Coordinator has worked with the Division of IT to program your device’s location:
- MyE911 should automatically “locate” you in a few minutes.
- If you are off-campus, MyE911 will eventually alert you with the following pop-up:
This may also open a web browser automatically as shown in the next step, but you can also force the browser to open by right-clicking the MyE911 icon again and selecting Open. This opens a web browser to a page that greets you by your first name. 
- Click the “Add Location and Set as Current” button. This brings up the following Add Location form:

- The “Location Name” can be anything you want but should be descriptive for you to remember. Here we typed in “My Home”. Enter the Address for where you are, which could be your home, a coffee shop, community center, or anywhere with a valid address. Then click “Add and Set as your Current Location”.
- MyE911 will attempt to validate the address to one that is “correct” for the 911 system to use. If it cannot process your address, the “Alternate Address View” may help refine the address.
- MyE911 determines your location by a combination of wireless networks it “hears” or which data network you are connected to. The algorithm is fairly sophisticated, but it may require a bit of “training”, especially if you have multiple wireless access points in your home.
- Each time MyE911 detects a new location it will prompt for you to update the address. You may provide it the same address, or another location as needed.
- The last step to MyE911 is to reboot before proceeding.

Frequently Asked Questions
- How does MyE911 work?
- MyE911 is a cloud service that helps to inject a laptop or desktop computer’s “location” (because these devices do not have GPS) into the VoIP data stream so that Emergency Responders to a 911 call can locate a caller who is unable to speak. 911 calls using Virtual Phone or Call Center Agent are sent to the RedSky cloud. The cloud service:
Looks at the location information, and determines which Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) the address most closely belongs to.
Adds the location information to the VoIP call meta data.
Sends the call to the identified PSAP. In the case where the user is on a campus Wi-Fi system, that PSAP is the University Police dispatchers. Otherwise, when away from campus, it could be your local Police station to be first responders.
- If I work from home, is my home address kept private?
- Addresses are not shared, except in the event of an emergency where 911 is dialed, which is required by law.
- Can I stop using the virtual phone or call center agent service?
- Using the Virtual Phone or Call Center Agent service is a part of your duties as assigned by your management/supervisor. Please consult with your manager or supervisor if you would like to discontinue usage.
- What if I call 911 on a campus hard-wired phone?
- 911 calls using campus hard-wired phones are sent directly to University Police with a location (building and office number) automatically identified.
- What if I use Virtual Phone or Call Center Agent services on a campus hard-wired computer?
- If using this service on a campus hard-wired computer, which is on the wired network (i.e., not Wi-Fi), the MyE911 app will likely not find your specific physical campus location. In this case, you should be prompted to manually enter your address. You can temporarily enter the following: 1250 N Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840. Work will later be done by Division of IT to provide more specific building location information.
- What if I have a mesh wireless network or multiple network access points at my home/remote work site?
- If this is the case, you can expect to be prompted to provide your location information for each access point until the MyE911 app knows and remembers each connection.
- Does MyE911 affect Web Phone Manager (WPM) service?
If you run into any issues with this service, please first contact your area's Technical Coordinator/Desktop Support team, since they have more direct access to your area's devices.