Microsoft SSPR - Emeriti and Service Accounts


In preparation for Microsoft Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) launch on August 2, 2021, service accounts and emeriti accounts will prompt you for additional information required for SSPR. This is NOT a new MFA requirement. This is for self-service password reset/recovery purposes only.


Emeriti and service account owners will need to provide an alternate email (cannot be an address), phone number, or associate a Microsoft Authenticator for password self-service reset/recovery purposes only. 

If the service account is shared (e.g. DocuSign eSignature account), we recommend someone ‘own’ the service account on behalf of all that use it. If the ‘owner’ leaves, the Technology Help Desk can reset second factors required for SSPR.

Emeriti and service accounts are presented with the same dialog box and need to provide the required information. option for setting up using a different method

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Article ID: 133912
Thu 6/24/21 10:08 AM
Thu 6/24/21 10:52 AM