Microsoft My Apps SSO FAQs

On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, the CSULB Single Sign-On (SSO) service will transition from Okta to Microsoft My Apps. The new SSO service will continue to be available at the same current website address:

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Will anything change regarding Multi-Factor Authentication?
    • Yes! One of the benefits of this change is that you will have to use MFA when you first log in to Single Sign-On, rather than only for the select few individual applications, such as Outlook, Office 365 apps, Student Center, Employee Center, Faculty Center, and other CMS applications. Once you're successfully logged in, MFA will not be required for individual applications. The exceptions are:
      • Common Management Services such as Student Center, Employee Center, Faculty Center, and HR applications will require you to re-authenticate with MFA if you select one of these service in SSO and haven’t been prompted for MFA within 60 minutes.
      • Employees that use CMS Finance, Duo MFA will still be required.
  2. How often will I have to use MFA when I log in to My Apps SSO?
    • For your protection, the My Apps SSO login process will require you to use MFA each time you access SSO, but will not be required for any applications once you're logged in. The exceptions are noted in question 1 above.
  3. Is there any functionality that allows me to customize My Apps?  
    • Yes. You will have the ability to create your own tabs ("collections") add copies of individual applications/tiles into them.  Any tiles you add to your collections are duplicates of what may already exist in the default "All Apps" and "CSULB" collections.
  4. The My Apps login screen shows a button that says "Sign-in options."  Can I use other options for signing in?
    • Other sign-in options are not supported.
  5. Is there a My Apps mobile app?
    • No, there is not a Microsoft My Apps mobile app at this time.  However, you can create a shortcut/bookmark on your mobile devices so you can more easily access SSO.
  6. I am an employee with CMS Finance access and I use Duo for MFA. Will I have to continue using Duo for MFA? 
    • At this time, CMS Finance users will have to continue using Duo MFA. This means after logging in to Single Sign-On with Microsoft MFA, you will have to use Duo MFA if you click on your CFS tile.  This is not the case for any other service in SSO.
  7. What happens to the old Okta login link?
    • The Okta login page at will remain temporarily active to direct any users using old Okta links, browser bookmarks, or browser search results. It will contain a message and chiclet that will provide a convenient link to the Microsoft My Apps login page.
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Article ID: 133303
Tue 5/18/21 10:47 AM
Thu 5/27/21 9:50 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Using your campus email address and password, Single Sign-On is a service which allows a single location for accessing multiple campus applications and services upon successfully logging in at Access to applications and services will vary depending on your campus role, such as if you're a student, faculty member, or staff member with specific job-related roles.