Calendar Free/Busy Sharing between CSULB and Chancellor's Office


The Division of Information Technology (DoIT) and the Chancellor’s Office (CO) have configured their email environments to allow for sharing free and busy times between the two organizations.  This configuration makes it easier to schedule meetings that include individuals from both locations.


Using the Outlook Client

From the Outlook client, click New Items > Meeting.

New Meeting

Type in the name of the individuals from the CO you would like to invite to your meeting then click on the Scheduling Assistant:

Scheduling Assistant

The Scheduling Assistant will display the individuals’ calendar entries.  Free times are indicated in white on the calendar, busy times in blue.


Click on an available time slot for your meeting.

Scheduler with time slot

Click the Appointment button to return to the invitation and add details for the meeting.

Appointment button

After adding the meeting details, click Send to send the invitation.

Using the Outlook Web Client

From the Outlook web client, select the calendar icon.

Web App Calendar Icon

Click New Event to schedule a new meeting.

Enter a title for the meeting and names of meeting attendees.  Click Scheduling Assistant.

Web App Scheduling Assistant

Select an available date and time for the meeting.  Available times will be shown in white and busy times will be shown in blue.  If an unavailable time is selected, it will be shown in red.  Available times are shown in green when selected. 

Web App Scheduler

Once an available time has been selected, click Done then complete the rest of the meeting details and click Send.


If you are unable to view calendar entries for individuals at the Chancellor’s Office, here are some basic troubleshooting steps to follow:

  1. Restart the Outlook client.
  2. Clear the cached address book entry:
  1. Follow the steps outlined above to schedule a meeting.  When adding attendees to the meeting, clear any cached entries by clicking on the ‘X’ next to the name that appears when you add a user’s name.

         Meeting "to" field

  1. Type in the full email address of the Chancellor’s Office attendee