Respondus LockDown Browser
Available to CSULB faculty, the Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is a testing application made available within BeachBoard designed to prevent cheating and maintain integrity of online exams. Once installed and launched, Respondus LDB accomplishes this by preventing learners from accessing web enabled applications (e.g. iMessage, Email, native browsers) nor can they open a new window or tab, take a screenshot, copy and paste, or print. If enabled as a testing tool, students are required to download and launch the LDB within the BeachBoard Learning Management System (LMS) via the chosen exam. Before proceeding, take a moment to review system requirements.
System requirements:
- Windows: 10, 8, 7
- Mac: MacOS 10.15 to 10.12, OS X 10.11, OSX 10.10
- iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only)
For latest requirements, visit the Respondus Pre-Installation webpage.
Special Notes: iPad accessibility is disabled by default. Review step #6 to enable attempts from this device. Chromebooks are not currently supported.
Enabling Respondus LockDown Browser
To enable Respondus LDB for your BeachBoard exam, follow the instructions listed below:
1. From your BeachBoard homepage, access the desired course and select the Quizzes tool available along the navigation bar.

2. Select the "LockDown Browser" option to launch application access.

3. Check the "Do not ask me again for this application" notification and click "Continue."
4. Watch the About LockDown Browser video (3:20) for an overview of LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor services. Check the "Don't show this page again" notification and click "Continue to LockDown Browser."

5. Existing BeachBoard Quizzes will be displayed below. To enable, select the carrot to invoke the menu and click "Settings". Quizzes already enabled with either Respondus LDB and Monitor will display a "Required" status underneath their respective column.

6. To enable Respondus LDB for a quiz, select "Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam". To allow attempts via an iPad device, expand on the "Advanced Settings" and select "Allow student to take this exam with an iPad."
Special Note: When enabled for iPad accessibility, facial detection step during the pre-exam startup sequence, and facial detection alerts during the exam itself are not supported.

7. Click Save + Close to finish.

Visit the following links for knowledgebase Pre-Installation support and General settings and configuration articles.
Feel free to provide your students the following link for Student Support FAQ.
Respondus Monitor
In addition to Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) enabled features, Respondus Monitor is a companion application to be used when administering a BeachBoard exam in a non-proctored environment. When enabled, Respondus Monitor will use a learners webcam and video analytics to record and activity throughout the duration of the exam. Respondus Monitor will record student movements and will automatically flag the exam if a student leaves the view, if their eyes wander, or if another person comes into the screen. Instructors can also ask for the webcam to record a student ID, their face, and also an environment scan at the beginning before the test begins.
Upon completion of the exam, the full recording will be available to the instructor in BeachBoard after processing (the average time for an exam video to be processed and available to an instructor is 8 hours). This allows the instructor to review and determine the integrity of the test takers. Before proceeding, take a moment to review system requirements.
System Requirements:
- Windows: 10, 8, 7
- Mac: OS X 10.10 or higher
- iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only).
- Web camera (internal or external) & microphone
- A broadband internet connection
For latest requirements, visit the Respondus Pre-Installation webpage.
Enabling Respondus Monitor
To enable Respondus Monitor for your BeachBoard exam, follow the instructions listed below after enabling Respondus LockDown Browser:
1. Under the "Monitor Webcam Settings" select "Require Respondus Monitor for this exam."
2. Upon enabling, review the "About Respondus Monitor" informational notification. Select "Don't show this message again" and click "Continue to Respondus Monitor."

3. Respondus Monitor Settings will be revealed to display "Startup Sequence" options; some offering "Preview" and "Edit Text" as applicable, and "Facial Detection Options."

4. Take a moment to “Preview” some of the Startup Sequence options. Below is a “Preview” of Additional Instructions from the student’s perspective.

5. To change verbiage, select “Edit Text” and modify to your liking then click “Save and Close.”

6. Expanding “Advanced Settings” allows you to enable use of microphone during the exam, make webcam videos available for viewing on mobile devices, and enter a demo student for instructor use into the exam. Click Save + Close to finish.

Visit the following link to access the Respondus Monitor Knowledgebase
For consultation on best practices and instructional design, visit our Keep Teaching and Learning webpage.