Knowledge Base

Categories (8)

Wi-Fi and Internet

Wi-Fi and Wired network access while on campus, and remote access to services while off campus.

Teaching, Learning, and Research Technologies

Canvas, Classroom Technology, Computer Labs, LMS-Based Web Conferencing, Assessment Systems (Scantron, ParScore, Respondus, Turnitin), Research Computing

Email, Calendaring, and Cloud Apps

Email and calendar services for employees and students, Office 365 applications including OneDrive and SharePoint

Information Security and Access Management

Accessible Technology Administration, Protection and Security, Directory Services, Identity Management (IdM)

Services that provide security, data inventory and compliance, and access for institutional information and systems. Services include data protection and encryption; firewall management; security incident response and investigations; training to ensure regulatory compliance and the security, integrity, and availability of campus data and systems.

Administrative Services

CFS, Career Development and Training, Document Imaging, Reporting and Analytics

CSULB, CSU, college, or department-based services that support administrative and business functions of the institution or campus constituents. Student administration system, including MyCSULB, Advising & Faculty Centers, HR, and CFS systems; research administration services; document imaging and management; reporting and analytics.

Computing and Collaboration Services

Software Depot, Websites, VPN, Computing and Printing

Services and systems to support campus computing and connectivity using University-owned or personal devices. Includes support for campus desktop and shared computers, computer labs, printing and print management, campus email, collaboration and social media platforms such as O365, Skype, Microsoft Sharepoint, telephone services, video and web conferencing, websites, webcasting and podcasting, digital signage, A/V services outside the classroom, and television.

Infrastructure Services

Digital Signage, Telephone, Hosting and Storage

Enterprise-wide hardware, software, systems, and network services that provide core technologies for institutional activities. Includes shared infrastructure services that connect computing devices and information through the campus' networks, manage user and device identity and access through authentication and directory services. Also includes data center, application hosting, and technical administration.

Campus Guidelines

This is a list of technology guidelines and procedures for general reference by campus constituents and designated Information Technology Coordinators from campus colleges, departments, and divisions.

Articles (2)

Office365 - Installation and Sign-In

This guide will demonstrate how to download Microsoft365 (Formerly Office365) and outline the sign-in process.